Possible Careers/ Jobs related to HUMSS

The HUMSS strand offers more opportunities than other people think. Contrary to popular belief, not every HUMSS student dreams to become a politician. And if you’re sitting there thinking HUMSS students will get nowhere, this list of suggested and possible jobs will prove you so wrong.
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Psychologist
  • Author / Editor
  • Politician
  • Criminologist
  • Journalist
  • Criminologist
  • Police
  • New Anchor
  • Archaeologist
  • College Professor
  • Consultant
  • Cultural Anthropologist
  • Editor/Writer
  • Geologist
  • Historian
  • Linguistic Anthropologist
  • Museum Curator
  • Park Interpreter
  • Physical Anthropologist
  • Oceanographer
  • Statistician
  • Travel agent/guide
  • Weather Forecaster
  • Economist
  • Political Scientist
  • Sociologist


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